Normally I start these messages off with a witty anecdote about the weather or a nod to the previous week’s events, but not today. No sir (or ma’am) – THIS week is all about looking FORWARD to what’s coming up on our calendar. In the next four weeks, we have SIX public shows (the other four are private) and all six shows are TICKETED events. This means YOU, our beloved friends and fans, need to get your tickets online NOW – because these shows WILL sell out. It all starts THIS Friday night with our return to Crossroads in Garwood. Doors open at 7pm, there’s an awesome opening band at 8pm, and we take the stage at 10pm. NEXT Friday we’re back at Mr. Crabby’s in Randolph, starting at 9:30pm. Then on Saturday we’ll be at Shawn’s Crazy Saloon in North Arlington. Finally, we wrap up St. Patty’s Weekend on Sunday at the Hunterdon County Irish Festival hosted by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick at the Red Mill Museum Village in Clinton. We take the stage at 6pm and – get this – your ticket price includes FREE BEER! Looking ahead, we’re FINALLY back at Bar Anticipation in Lake Como with our annual Plaid Party for a special matinee show starting at 5pm on Saturday March 22nd. Wrapping up the month, we head up to Mahopac NY for a show at the Putnam County Golf Course on Saturday March 29th.

Check back again soon. New items always added.

Give us your email and we’ll keep you posted on all the latest Nerds-goings-on!!!

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OR Call The Nerds Direct for bookings 



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